Episode 5: ISIS Bad, Netflix Good

Here we are at Episode 5 of The Scrutineers with Max and Adam. This time around our villains are Ray Rice, Roger Goodell, ISIS and the citizens of the Western world who join them, and Adam himself, who is guilty of an awkward Pulp Fiction reference this week. Click after the break to lend us your ears and attention.


And in the interest of clearing up any lost allusions or references, here’s the only poem I really like. It’s by William Carlos Williams, who has a risible name (as evidenced in the comic below).

This Is Just To Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

Isn’t that delightful? I’d want to forgive him because they were such great plums that no one could resist their temptation, but I’d still be angry and hungry if someone ate my breakfast. But, check out this marvelous parodic webcomic from Wondermark:

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