Episode 14: Chocolate, Beer, and Space Robots

Guys, it’s here. Episode 14, which may very well be our Season One finale. What’s inside, you ask? Our newest food segment, Chocolate & Beer. Liberals excoriating Barry Hussein Obama. Robots in space! And of course, an examination of Snapchat’s latest plays. Invite us into your headphones.

Episode 13: Mazel Tov on Our Bar Mitzvah!

We’re all grown up here at this, our thirteenth episode of The Scrutineers. Hosts Adam and Max invite special guest Dan Jaffe to our bar mitzvah to discuss recent films, Taylor Swift’s deliberate expunging from Spotify, and the latest cannabis legalization news. No one had their Torah portion memorized in time.  Continue reading

Episode 12: Transdisruption

Adam and Max are totally qualified to discuss the following topics at length: depictions of transgender people on TV, whether The Sopranos is “better” than The Wire, and CurrentC, the nascent competitor of Apple Pay and Google Wallet. Listen to the tales we weave! Continue reading

Episode 11: The Last Platinum Record

The biggest musicians in the universe can’t move any records, but the real-world Statler and Waldorf are here to scrutinize and save the record industry. Also: Netflix is letting Adam Sandler make four movies, sight unseen. What is the world coming to? Continue reading

Episode 10: Fanboyism (Also, Snapchat Done Goofed)

This week, we try to provide some solutions to the issues under our scrutiny, rather than just bemoan them. Continue reading

Episode 8: The Media, With A Capital ‘M’

Fella, please! Always check your sources, kids. That’s the lesson learned by your intrepid hosts and their guest and friend, Matt Yakob, when they spark a real philosophical discussion based off of a dubious, biased news article. Don’t trust everything you hear online, least of all The Scrutineers. Continue reading

Episode 7: A Real Live Female Discusses Feminism With Us

Welcome, welcome. This week’s episode features our first guest star, Jessica, a friend of the Scrutineers. She’s here to provide an actual female’s perspective on feminism and Emma Watson, because Adam’s and Max’s penises inhibit their credibility. However, that won’t be before we discuss gimmicky record album releases, Bono’s similarity to turds, and the intricacies of early Eminem. Continue reading

Episode 6: Let’s Shoot Stoned Teabaggers Into Space

Ok, y’all. On the docket today: the very fate of the Republican party, the existence of God, and the right to chief that kind bud. Plus a quick update on the horrendous NFL situation. Enjoy, everyone. (Oh, by the way, in our zeal we never clearly stated the documentary in question during today’s discussion. It’s titled The Unbelievers.) Continue reading

Episode 5: ISIS Bad, Netflix Good

Here we are at Episode 5 of The Scrutineers with Max and Adam. This time around our villains are Ray Rice, Roger Goodell, ISIS and the citizens of the Western world who join them, and Adam himself, who is guilty of an awkward Pulp Fiction reference this week. Click after the break to lend us your ears and attention. Continue reading