Episode 14: Chocolate, Beer, and Space Robots

Guys, it’s here. Episode 14, which may very well be our Season One finale. What’s inside, you ask? Our newest food segment, Chocolate & Beer. Liberals excoriating Barry Hussein Obama. Robots in space! And of course, an examination of Snapchat’s latest plays. Invite us into your headphones.

Episode 6: Let’s Shoot Stoned Teabaggers Into Space

Ok, y’all. On the docket today: the very fate of the Republican party, the existence of God, and the right to chief that kind bud. Plus a quick update on the horrendous NFL situation. Enjoy, everyone. (Oh, by the way, in our zeal we never clearly stated the documentary in question during today’s discussion. It’s titledĀ The Unbelievers.) Continue reading