Episode 8: The Media, With A Capital ‘M’

Fella, please! Always check your sources, kids. That’s the lesson learned by your intrepid hosts and their guest and friend, Matt Yakob, when they spark a real philosophical discussion based off of a dubious, biased news article. Don’t trust everything you hear online, least of all The Scrutineers. Continue reading

Episode 6: Let’s Shoot Stoned Teabaggers Into Space

Ok, y’all. On the docket today: the very fate of the Republican party, the existence of God, and the right to chief that kind bud. Plus a quick update on the horrendous NFL situation. Enjoy, everyone. (Oh, by the way, in our zeal we never clearly stated the documentary in question during today’s discussion. It’s titledĀ The Unbelievers.) Continue reading